Jumellea fragrans
Home » Commonness, reproductive patterns and inbreeding depression of two Jumellea species

Commonness, reproductive patterns and inbreeding depression of two Jumellea species

Population size reduction can threaten long-term persistence of plant populations through loss of genetic diversity and inbreeding depression.

Jumellea fragrans
Floral morphology of Jumellea fragrans. ds, dorsal sepal; pt, petal; ls, lateral sepal; lb, labellum; ov, ovary; pl, pollinarium; rs, rostellum; sc, stigmatic cavity; sp, spur. Scale bar = 1 cm. Image: Blambert et al.

Blambert et al. evaluate the consequences of population size reduction by comparing mating patterns, levels of genetic diversity and inbreeding depression of the rare and fragmented Jumellea fragrans and the widespread J. rossii. Population size reduction had a negative impact on genetic diversity of J. fragrans, but factors such as mating system or population history can limit the effects.


The Annals of Botany Office is based at the University of Oxford.

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